Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Fall is in the air. Golf, exercise at the gym, family wedding, reading, yard work, and social gatherings have occupied my time during the past six months. Prior to that, time in Oakland and Miami visiting our kids and their families. Point is I haven't produced any real art in the past year. Still have work hanging in galleries and retail outlets. Sold a large mobile (4'x5') of fish and metal pieces a week ago, and just received a request for a silent auction donation from a local foundation. Just not passionate about making art these days. Too many other things I like to do.

I wander into my workshop and studio occasionally to ponder what I might make, organize a few items, throw some never to be used stuff in the trash, look at mobiles made several years ago (and wonder how I made them), and realize there is potential to get back at it (or maybe not).

We'll see.

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