Friday, September 12, 2008

Public Art

My thanks to Bill Taylor for forwarding the picture below. I was fortunate to be one of four artists selected to work on the Waukesha Transit Center public art project. The others were Richard Taylor (Bill's son), Richard Peterson, and Oakbrook Esser.

Bill Taylor is a painter, mural maker, and general good guy who has been involved with the Waukesha and Milwaukee art scene for many years. He also assists his son Richard, a well known Milwaukee sculptor.


samarkand said...

Tom is too kind. If I meet his description of being a "good guy" it might possibly be because I can't help but react positively and happily whenever I come across him when he is involved in his artistic endeavors. He is terminally genial and always sports a winning smile. I have always enjoyed his imaginative mobiles. I have one of them on my computer desk along with a small one my son Richard did. I enjoy them both every day.

Bill Taylor

samarkand said...

Tom is too kind. If I meet his description of being a "good guy" it might possibly be because I can't help but react positively and happily whenever I come across him when he is involved in his artistic endeavors. He is terminally genial and always sports a winning smile. I have always enjoyed his imaginative mobiles. I have one of them on my computer desk along with a small one my son Richard did. I enjoy them both every day.

Bill Taylor